Welcome to Kudeta Lab

We help start-ups who seek to disrupt the horological industry.

What We Seek

Kudeta is the customer experience-driven incubator for the horological industry. We seek to identify, enable and support disruptive innovation.


Who We Are

Kudeta selects projects built around delivering unique and transformative customer experiences. Once selected, you and Kudeta embark upon a two-phase brand development journey:

Our team includes industry experts that provide in-depth project analysis and skilled designers to finish concepts and industrialize them. We then employ market viability testing to confirm the feasibility of the brand by engaging with a broad base of customer profiles to define future clients.

Our Goals

We know that tomorrow’s winning brands have yet to be created. Our goal is to find these future watch entrepreneurs and enable their success.

We seek entrepreneurs with the passion and desire to bring new customer experience to the horology industry. In return, Kudeta will enable their vision to become a reality.

We start by helping you refine your dream into an actionable proposal.

Launching a new venture requires not only hard work but also a heavy dose of experience. Kudeta combines our expertise and resources with your vision, energy and enthusiasm.

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Make things happen.

There are no guarantees of success in either life or business. With Kudeta Lab as your partner you get experience, resources, relationships, process methodology, and risk management. All of which give you and your project the highest probability of commercial success.